* About LuaDocer ------------- LuaDocer is a documentation generation tool for the Lua language. It produces standalone HTML documentation for the given projects, which documents all files, functions, variables and tables that are used in the project. Documentation comments are used to supply documentation data into the final documentation of the project. Output of LuaDocer also contains a lot of lists, metrics and statistics, such as an alphabetical index of all global functions used in the project, source code syntax-aware highlighter, formatter and much more. Many aspects of the final documentation can be easily configured to suit everyone's needs. LuaDocer is a fork (an enhanced version) of LuaDoc. * Availability ------------ LuaDocer is freely available for both academic and commercial purposes under. See doc/us/license.html for details. * Dependecies ----------------------------------------- LuaDocer requires following modules to be installed: lua >= 5.1 (not tested with 5.2) lualogging >= 1.1.3 luafilesystem >= 1.2.1 luapretty >= 0.2 luametrics >= 0.2.1 luacomments >= 0.2 lualiterate >= 0.1 * Installation ------------ Simplest way to install LuaDocer is to use the LuaDist (www.luadist.org) deployment tool by invoking: $ ./luadist _luadocer install luadocer which will install LuaDocer and all it's dependecies into the _luadocer folder. LuaDocer can be also installed using CMake (www.cmake.org). For manual installation copy the luadocer folder from src into your LUA_PATH folder. * Running ------- LuaDocer installs to a standalone directory and should be able to execute on most systems supported systems without the need to set up any environment. To invoke the LuaDocer main script simply execute luadocer.lua from src folder using the Lua runtime interpreter in the install directory: $ cd _luadocer/bin/ $ lua luadocer.lua LuaDist also installs a binary versions of this sript called luadocer. Example usage: $ ./lua luadocer -u ./plantuml.jar -d output_directory -t ../lib/lua/luadocer/doclet/html/ path/to/lua_sources/ * Compatibility warning for Windows systems ----------------------------------------- LuaDocer has not been tested in the Windows environment and is likely to misbehave when parsing path names in Windows systems due to a different path separator as in Unix systems [\ vs /]. * Authors ------- Maintenance: Peter Kapec (project supervisor) Development: Ivan Šimko Viliam Kubis Contributors: Gabriel Duchoň Péter Kósa Michal Juranyi Peter Mendel