Try out the Demo
Building Rails Image
docker build rails/
Lifting docker containers in detached mode (that way we can have a clean terminal)
docker-compose up -d
Entering the rails container environment
docker-compose exec rails bash
Navigate to app folder
cd app
Install dependencies
bundle install
In config/database.yml
set up your local IP addres on host, database name, username and password, those database credentials are already configured in the docker-compose.yml, so no need to worry about it.
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: rails
pool: 5
username: rails
password: rails
Run migrations
rails db:migrate
Run tests
rails test
Run the local server
rails server
Install dependencies
bundle install
In config/database.yml
set up your local IP addres on host, database name, username and password
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: rails
pool: 5
username: rails
password: rails
Run migrations
rails db:migrate
Run tests
rails test
Run the local server
rails server