
NodeJS TDD Study Repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS TDD Study


The App in this repository is a REST API for study purposes. It has only basic functionalities with User, like creation and authentication. Based on the video Rocketseat: Testes no NodeJS aplicando TDD com Jest | Diego Fernandes


  • Language: Javascript with NodeJS
  • Express: Web Framework for making APIs
  • Docker and Postgres: Production Database
  • SQLite: Testing Database
  • Sequelize: ORM for managing databases
  • Jest, Supertest: Automated Tests
  • Faker: Generate fake info for tests
  • Json Web Token: Authentication
  • Bcryptjs: Password encryption

Environment Setup

  • Clone the Repo with git clone https://github.com/LuanSilveiraSouza/js-designpatterns.git

  • Create a Postgres Container with docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

  • In .env and .env.test insert the correct values for connecting in database and your JWT secret key

  • Run yarn install or npm install

  • See package.json for run the app in different environments