
The Last Web Recon Tool You'll Need

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Recon Tool of The Bug Hunter by thewhiteh4t

FinalRecon é uma ferramenta automática de reconhecimento web escrita em python. Em vez de executar várias ferramentas uma após a outra, o final recon junta diversas ferramentas e tecnicas de reconhecimento em um mesmo programa, sendo o seu "hub de reconhecimento"



Para poder instalar a ferramenta precisamos realizar a instalação do python e do git a partir destes comandos:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo apt install python3 git

Para fazer a instalação do Final Recon basta executar esses comandos no seu terminal linux:

git clone https://github.com/thebughunter-io/FinalRecon.git
cd FinalRecon
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install psycopg2-binary


O FinalRecon possui essa lista de funcionalidades:

  • Header Information
  • Whois
  • SSL Certificate Information
  • Crawler
    • html
    • robots
    • sitemaps
    • Links inside Javascripts
    • Links from Wayback Machine from Last 1 Year
  • DNS Enumeration
    • A, AAAA, ANY, CNAME, MX, NS, SOA, TXT Records
    • DMARC Records
  • Subdomain Enumeration
  • Traceroute
  • Directory Searching
  • Port Scan
  • Export


python3 finalrecon.py -h

usage: finalrecon.py [-h] [--headers] [--sslinfo] [--whois] [--crawl] [--dns] [--sub]
                     [--trace] [--dir] [--ps] [--full] [-t T] [-T T] [-w W] [-r] [-s]
                     [-sp SP] [-d D] [-e E] [-m M] [-p P] [-tt TT] [-o O]

FinalRecon - The Last Web Recon Tool You Will Need | v1.1.0

positional arguments:
  url         Target URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --headers   Header Information
  --sslinfo   SSL Certificate Information
  --whois     Whois Lookup
  --crawl     Crawl Target
  --dns       DNS Enumeration
  --sub       Sub-Domain Enumeration
  --trace     Traceroute
  --dir       Directory Search
  --ps        Fast Port Scan
  --full      Full Recon

Extra Options:
  -t T        Number of Threads [ Default : 30 ]
  -T T        Request Timeout [ Default : 30.0 ]
  -w W        Path to Wordlist [ Default : wordlists/dirb_common.txt ]
  -r          Allow Redirect [ Default : False ]
  -s          Toggle SSL Verification [ Default : True ]
  -sp SP      Specify SSL Port [ Default : 443 ]
  -d D        Custom DNS Servers [ Default : ]
  -e E        File Extensions [ Example : txt, xml, php ]
  -m M        Traceroute Mode [ Default : UDP ] [ Available : TCP, ICMP ]
  -p P        Port for Traceroute [ Default : 80 / 33434 ]
  -tt TT      Traceroute Timeout [ Default : 1.0 ]
  -o O        Export Output [ Default : txt ] [ Available : xml, csv ]
# Check headers

python3 finalrecon.py --headers <url>

# Check ssl Certificate

python3 finalrecon.py --sslinfo <url>

# Check whois Information

python3 finalrecon.py --whois <url>

# Crawl Target

python3 finalrecon.py --crawl <url>

# Directory Searching

python3 finalrecon.py --dir <url> -e txt,php -w /path/to/wordlist

# full scan

python3 finalrecon.py --full <url>