BeerJS Moscow


Usual time: every Thursday at 8 PM. 🍻
Usual place: PivBar (Москва, ул. 1-я Тверская-Ямская, 2, стр. 1).

The meetup is growing and the PivBar is becoming an inconvenient place to meet: too crowded, way too loud, no non-alcoholic beverages, no table booking.

We will try other places to find a most suitable one. Chayhona 1 has been a huge success in terms of group talk comfort, but it totally lacks tasty beer.

No gang hierarchy or place choice routine have been established yet. For now, it's pretty spontaneous and is typcally being decided in the BeerJS Moscow Gitter chatroom. Also, this discussion thread exists.

For actual info on time and place, please use our page. For admin access to the page, contact lolmaus.