
Challenge used Python scripting to assess and identify trends/outcomes for both financial and polling data.

Primary LanguagePython


Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. File Description
  3. Technologies



In this challenge, I was tasked with creating a Python script for analyzing the financial records of a company. With the use of a set of financial data called budget_data.csv.

Tasked with creating a Python script that analyzes the records to calculate each of the following:

  • The total number of months included in the dataset

  • The net total amount of "Profit/Losses" over the entire period

  • Calculate the changes in "Profit/Losses" over the entire period, then find the average of those changes

  • The greatest increase in profits (date and amount) over the entire period

  • The greatest decrease in losses (date and amount) over the entire period


In this challenge, I was tasked with helping a small, rural town modernize its vote counting process.

I used a set of poll data called election_data.csv, which was provided. Tasked to create a Python script that analyzes the votes and calculates each of the following:

  • The total number of votes cast

  • A complete list of candidates who received votes

  • The percentage of votes each candidate won

  • The total number of votes each candidate won

  • The winner of the election based on popular vote

File Descriptions

PyBank data set:

File name: budget_data.csv

The dataset is composed of two columns: Date and Profit/Losses.

PyPoll data set:

File name: election_data.csv

The dataset is composed of three columns: Voter ID, County, and Candidate.


Scripts were created using Python (Version 3.8.8) in Visual Studio Code (Version 1.55.2).

Applied use of:

  • For Loop statements
  • Conditional If statements
  • Lists
  • Variables
  • Value holders
  • Creation of formulas
  • Read CSV
  • Write output in text file