
Residual Number System Conversion (Python)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Residual Number System Conversion with co-prime and non-coprime moduli sets (Python)

Given and integer number X, and a set of RNS moduli its RNS representation will be where

However, there is no a trivial algoritm to convert the RNS representation back to the decimal

The most popular methods are:

  • Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • Mixed Radix Convertion

Details can be found : https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Mixed-Radix-Chinese-Remainder-Theorem-and-Its-Bi-Gross/df77e4473f80fc9f9f7765f10d94df3328e58ccd

However, this repo suggest an alternative recursion-based way of making RNS-Decimal convertion that works efficently for any given 'moduli' without any requirements to be co-prime. Also it doesn't require the multiplicative inverse to exist

This algorithm is not yet documented, but it's in my TODO

More about RNS: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307174628_An_overview_of_Residue_Number_System


Converting first 500 000 numbers forth and back (moduli = [3, 5, 11, 19, 23, 29]) :

  • Current Method: 3.15718150138855 sec
  • Chinese Reminder Theorem: 5.739054918289185 sec


>>> from rns import encode, decode, get_dynamic_range, list_encodings
>>> P=[7,6,5]
>>> get_dynamic_range(P)
>>> n=78
>>> encode(n=n, P=P)
[1, 0, 3] # which is equal to (n mod P) = [78 % 7, 78 % 6, 78 % 5]
>>> decode(code=[1,0,3], P=P)
>>> for n, code in enumerate(list_encodings(P)):\
... print(n,'=',code)
0 = 000
1 = 111
2 = 222
3 = 333
4 = 444
5 = 550
6 = 601
7 = 012
8 = 123
9 = 234
10 = 340
11 = 451
12 = 502
13 = 613
14 = 024
15 = 130
16 = 241
17 = 352
18 = 403
19 = 514
20 = 620
21 = 031
22 = 142