CakePHP Magento API Plugin


CakePHP v2.x

How to use it

  1. Install this plugin for your CakePHP app.
    Assuming APP is the directory where your CakePHP app resides, it's usually app/ from the base of CakePHP.

    cd APP/Plugin
    git clone git:// Magento
  2. Set up datasource, example is in Magento/Config/database.php.default (you need to get api user and key in magento admin panel).

  3. Include needed model in your controller or anywhere you want to

    $uses = array('Magento.CategoryProduct');
    $data = $this->CategoryProduct->listWithInfo();
    debug ($data);
    $data = ClassRegistry::init('Magento.CategoryProduct')->listWithInfo();
    debug ($data);