
Node on Rails

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JAMF - Just Another Mvc Framework

Jamf is just another mvc framework. Spawned by me wanting to automate a lot of the repetetive setup that I go through when creating projects. It's currently still very much a work in progress and thus very limited.

⚠️ Some limitations:
- Only supports NodeJs (typescript)
- Only supports MongoDb
- Model Controller integration must be done manually
- Views are not yet implemented


Initialize a project

jamf init [project-name]
defPort - The default port that the app will run on.
dbPort - The default port that the database uses locally.

Generate Model

jamf model [model-name] [field-name]:[field-type]:[field-options]
Field Options:
required - Sets required to true.
min=[int] - The minumum amount of characters this field requires.
max=[int] - The maximum amount of characters this field allows.
validate{[regexp]} - Compares the field to the input regular expression.

Generate Controller

jamf controller [controller-name] [action-name]:[public || private]:[action-verb][action-parameter]=[paramter-type]
Action Options:
public/private - public (default) creates a route, private does not
action verb - the verb the route uses, ignored if private
action parameter - the name of an input.
parameter type - the type of the above parameter