Hi! I'm Lucas Sosa. This project is a study about CRUD during this course I used Java and Postgress, the study ocurred in period between May 11th and May 15th.
In this project I used the archtetury MVC.
- Import the project crud-depespesas-jdbc: To use the CRUD
- To execute add expenditures is necessary execute adiciona-despesa.html
- To execute remove expenditures is necessary execute removeDespesas
For this project, i used:
- PG Admin
- Intellij IDEA Community
- Jetty
Used Database:
- To create the database you must type:
- create table despesas ( id bigserial primary key, descricao varchar(100), data date, valor decimal (10, 2), categoria varchar(60) );
Um servlet pode ser definido utilizando a anotação @WebServlet em uma classe POJO, além disso devemos também estender a classe javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.