
Simulator of an M/M/C queuing system written in Java

Primary LanguageJava


M/M/C queuing system simulator written in java, orientated to the wireless data transferring sector. This project was implemented for the course of "telecomunications network" during my second year of my bachelor of Computer Science Engineering. This project was created and made with my partner Tommaso Garofolin (https://github.com/garooo) and myself.

Feel free to check it out !



.vscode content

Contenuto da inserire all'interno della dir .vscode in caso si scelga visual studio code come editor


    // Usare IntelliSense per informazioni sui possibili attributi.
    // Al passaggio del mouse vengono visualizzate le descrizioni degli attributi esistenti.
    // Per altre informazioni, visitare: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Launch Current File",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "${file}"
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Launch App",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "App",


    "java.project.sourcePaths": ["src"],
    "java.project.outputPath": "bin"

Getting Started

Welcome to the VS Code Java world. Here is a guideline to help you get started to write Java code in Visual Studio Code.

Folder Structure

The workspace contains two folders by default, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies

Meanwhile, the compiled output files will be generated in the bin folder by default.

If you want to customize the folder structure, open .vscode/settings.json and update the related settings there.

Dependency Management

The JAVA PROJECTS view allows you to manage your dependencies. More details can be found here.

Librerie Richieste

La libreria jfreecharts è richiesta per la creazione dei plots. Scaricare la versione 1.0.0 al link https://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/download/ ed estrarre l'archivio .tar.gz all'interno della directory lib presente sulla root del progetto.