Material for teaching calculus in the Bachelor in AI at Radboud university.
Jupyter Notebook
- Aditya-1301
- Archived47Netherlands
- DavidMoserAI
- Desperado991128Leiden, the Netherlands
- DibidoKipstad
- djessedirckxAlliander
- dutchmartinNetherlands
- dylanhoodPossibly You ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- harryjulianuk
- iamjayasuriya
- jasperwastaken
- JellePahlplatz
- joaovppSão Paulo, BRA
- KaranChand
- kevingreenmanCatholicTech
- kkc-krish
- LennartPNLNetherlands
- machineforever
- nguyenhieuecViet Nam
- Nikolaevg
- Pmanen
- rizplate
- robert-sarametGalati, Romania
- samyarmodabber
- sdevries0
- shadet9
- shleppy@PicnicSupermarket
- syntaxhackerMilky way
- techperfect
- TheDoctor40
- TimMaasGeesteranus
- tjalloNetherlands
- WarszawoWalcz
- wimleuven
- wvqusraiHengYang Normal University
- zilvvr@RadboudUniversity