
A simple package for algebraic manipulation of Taylor series. It allows to sum, multiply, divide and compose Taylor series automatically.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


A simple package for algebraic manipulation of Taylor series. It allows to sum, multiply, divide and compose Taylor series automatically.

Example code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from function_library import x, exp, log, cos

f = cos(log(exp(x) + 1))

x_range = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
N0 = 1
N = 10
for n in range(N0, N):
    f_exp = f.get_expansion(center=3, cut_off=n)
    plt.plot(x_range, f_exp(x_range))
plt.plot(x_range, f(x_range), c="k", ls="--", lw=2)
f_max = max(f(x_range))
f_min = min(f(x_range))
plt.ylim(f_min-0.1, f_max+0.1)