
Emitter UI Components is an iOS project written in Swift which provides a small set of common UI components customised with the UIKit provided particle emitter

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Emitter UI Components

Emitter UI Components is an iOS project written in Swift which provides a small set of common UI components customised with the UIKit provided particle emitter layer by using the custom emitter layer EmitterLayer. Such custom layer is a subclass of CAEmitterLayer and is used in the following custom UI components:

  • EmitterView: a subclass of UIView which layerClass is EmitterLayer and implements the protocol EmitterUIProtocol
  • EmitterTextField: a subclass of UITextField which layerClass is EmitterLayer and implements the protocol EmitterUIProtocol
  • EmitterButton: a subclass of UIButton which layerClass is EmitterLayer and implements the protocol EmitterUIProtocol
  • EmitterTabBar_experimental: (Experimental) is a revisited subclass of UITabBar
  • EmitterTabBarItem_experimental: (Experimental) is a revisited subclass of UITabBarItem and implements the protocol EmitterUIProtocol
  • EmitterSlider_experimental: (Experimental) is a revisited subclass of UITabBar and implements the protocol EmitterUIProtocol

The EmitterLayer layer can be applied to any UIView-based component.

The project provides a convenient protocol to be used for UI components called EmitterUIProtocol, exposing following properties:

  • animateParticles: Whether the particle emitter should start or not
  • particlesAnimationDuration: Updates the particles animation duration with which the emitter position moves along the path
  • particlesAnimationPathType: Updates the particles animation path type with which the emitter position moves
  • particlesColors: The particles colors to be used in the particle emitters
  • particleRadius: The radius to be used as base size for each particle in the system
  • particleVelocity: The initial velocity to be used for each particle in the system

Sample usage:

@IBOutlet weak var myTextfield: EmitterTextField!
func setupTextField(){
   //self.myTextfield.animateWithFirstResponder = false // specific for EmitterTextField component
   // Set the emitter position animation duration to 5 seconds
   self.myTextfield.particlesAnimationDuration = 5.0
   // Set the path type to be ovalIn related to the UI component rect
   self.myTextfield.particlesAnimationPathType = .ovalIn
   // Set the particle radius of each emitter cell
   self.myTextfield.particleRadius = 10.0
   // Set the colors which will be used to randomly generate emitter cell
   self.myTextfield.particlesColors = [.green, .white, .red]
   // Set the emitter cells initial velocity at the creation time
   self.myTextfield.particleVelocity = 20.0
   // Start animating the particles on the UI component
   self.myTextfield.animateParticles = true
