
Lemmy iOS client #RedditMigration

Primary LanguageSwift


Lemming is an iOS client for the link aggregator platform Lemmy. The goal is to create a simple, easy to use client with focus on UI and user experience, inspired by reddit apps such as Apollo and narwhal. The app will take advantage of native Apple platform features, eventually adding support for a macOS, watchOS and visionOS app, adding widgets and shortcuts.


The latest version of The Composable Architecture is used, including using their navigation and dependency injection tools.


In general each feature consists of a reducer and a view, following the naming style of: RootFeature + RootFeatureView

PostsFeature + PostsFeatureView



Dependencies are implemented as services. Services are defined as protocols to allow for implementation of mock services for testing as well as supporting other platforms in the future (for example kbin.social). Services don't hold any state, they're utilities that are used in reducers for example for fetching or formatting data.

The following services are implemented:

Service Purpose
UserService Fetching user related data
CommunityService Fetching community data, community mutations (subscribe)
PostService Fetching post data, post mutations (votes)
CommentService Fetching comment data, comment mutations (votes, replies)
AccountService Fetching account data, handle login, store accounts in keychain
SettingsService Reading and writing app settings to UserDefaults


Navigation is generally handled by TCA, making it state driven and testable. There are different types of navigation:

  • Stack based navigation: A stack of views that can be pushed and popped from, used for views that can have an infinite amount of views on the stack (example: tapping on a post, then tapping on the community of that post, then tapping on another post etc.)
  • Destination based navigation: Predefined destinations, for example the settings
  • Sheets: Sheets that are shown/hidden based on state


A set of colors is available and accessible under Color.LemmingColors.colorname. The main colors being used are the background color, primary color and accent color. In general, things like links, toolbar items, other interactable elements should get the orange accent color. Other information or labels get the accentGray, accentBrown and accentBeige colors.

Roadmap & Features

The goal is to finish a set of basic features and then ship a first Testflight build. The following features should be completed before launch:

Phase 1:

  • Login
  • Load posts
  • Filter posts
  • Load user profiles
  • Upvote/downvote posts
  • Comment on posts
  • Load communities
  • Follow communities
  • Create new posts
  • Allow browsing posts and instances when not logged in
  • User onboarding

Phase 2:

  • Search feature
  • Community discovery
  • Block users
  • Block communities
  • Filter posts

In the future:

  • Widgets
  • Apple watch app
  • macOS app