
A set of scripts to turn a Raspberry Pi combined with an mfrc522 RFID card reader into a jukebox.

Installation/What's needed

  • Set up the Raspberry Pi + RFID Chip: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-rfid-rc522/
  • Clone this repository
  • Edit jukebox.py add your MQTT credentials
  • Edit jukebox_control.py, add MQTT credentials and path to jukebox.py
  • Optional: Use systemd to start jukebox_control.py on boot.

Scripts description

jukebox.py: Takes care of reading the RFID cards and sending the values to an MQTT topic jukebox_control.py: Takes care of starting and stopping jukebox.py, as well as shutting down the raspberry pi to allow you to remotely control it

Write the RFID cards

Use the write.py script to write data to your RFID cards. I went with numbering them starting from 1. Those values will then get sent to the MQTT topic and can be used to assign different songs/playlists to each card.

Node Red flow

Check example_flow for an example. I'm using Sonos speakers and the following method to play a random Sonos playlist: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/agdbh2/neat_trick_autoplaying_sonos_favorites_by_emoji/