Luca Miglioli - Projects

Web Development

  1. Manim Studio

Computer vision, detection and arduino control

  1. STEM
    • Ball balancing software and hardware, a camera uses computer vision to find the ball, advanced processing finds with sub pixel precision the position of the ball, the future potition is estimated and it controls the position and velocity of two stepper motors with microstepping. Most mechanical parts (motor mounts, hooks...) were 3d printed.
    • STEM github link

Deep Learning

  1. Transformer

  2. picograd

    • Small library for training neural nets, inspired by tinygrad. Linear layers, tanh, softmax and Adam optimizer tested and working.
    • Picograd Repo
  3. Sudoku

    • Screenshot to solved sudoku with ML digit recognition + backtracking
    • Note: i made my own data labeler (python cv2/numpy) and dataset with augmentation (pytorch)
    • Sudoku Repo
  4. Conv Visuals

Mobile Apps

  1. Flutter
    • Flutter math app
    • image


  • First year of Computer Science
    • University of Brescia (Unibs), Italy
