
Customer-relationship management service

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

+++ title = "Contact and appointment service (Django)" api_url = "marketplace/kupfer-contact-appointment-service" +++

Contact and appointment service (Django)


The contact and appointment service enables your application to store contacts and appointments, store notes on appointments, and send notifications about appointments.

REST data models


A Contact is a data model for an individual with common contact information. You can extend a BiFrost CoreUser by creating a one-to-one relationship between a Contact and a CoreUser using the core_user_uuid field.

A Contact has the following properties:

  • uuid: UUID of the Contact.
  • core_user_uuid: UUID of the related CoreUser (optional).
  • customer_id: The Contact's customer ID, which must be unique per organization. If left blank, it will be set automatically starting from 10001.
  • first_name: First name of the Contact.
  • middle_name: Middle name of the Contact.
  • last_name: Last name of the Contact.
  • title: Title of the Contact. Choices are: 'Mr.', 'Ms.', 'Mrs.', 'Miss', and 'Family'.
  • suffix: Suffix for titles, such as Dr., Prof., Dr. med., etc.
  • contact_type: Type of the Contact. Choices are: 'Customer', 'Supplier', 'Producer' and 'Personnel'.
  • customer_type: Customer type of the Contact. Choices are: 'Customer', 'Company' and 'Public'.
  • company: Company of the Contact.
  • addresses: List of the Contact's addresses, including a type. Choices of type are: 'home', 'billing', 'business', 'delivery', and 'mailing'.
  • siteprofile_uuids: List of related UUIDs of SiteProfiles from the location service.
  • emails: List of the Contact's email addresses, including a type. Choices of type are: 'office', 'private', and 'other'.
  • phones: List of the Contact's phone numbers, including a type. Choices of the phone type are: 'office', 'mobile', 'home', and 'fax'.
  • notes: Textual notes. (Note that these are separate from AppointmentNotes)
  • organization_uuid: UUID of a related organization.
  • workflowlevel1_uuids: List of UUIDs of WorkflowLevel1s.
  • workflowlevel2_uuids: List of UUIDs of WorkflowLevel2s.
  • create_date: Timestamp when the Contact was created (set automatically).
  • edit_date: Timestamp, when the Contact was last modified (set automatically).


  • GET /contact/: Retrieves a list of Contacts.
  • POST /contact/: Creates a new Contact.
  • GET /contact/{id}/: Retrieves a Contact by its ID.
  • PUT /contact/{id}/: Updates the Contact with the given ID (all fields).
  • PATCH /contact/{id}/: Updates the Contact with the given ID (only specified fields).
  • DELETE /contact/{id}/: Deletes the Contact with the given ID.


The Appointment describes a time span for invited CoreUsers or Contacts at a specific address. This address can also be a SiteProfile from the location service.

An Appointment has the following properties:

  • uuid: UUID of the Appointment.
  • name: Name of the Appointment.
  • owner: Every Appointment must have an owner. It could be a CoreUser, Contact, or Organization.
  • start_date: Start date of the Appointment.
  • end_date: End date of the Appointment.
  • type: An array of types for the Appointment.
  • address: An address for the Appointment.
  • siteprofile_uuid: A UUID of a related SiteProfile where the appointment will take place.
  • invitee_uuids: List of UUIDs of Contacts and/or CoreUsers invited to the Appointment.
  • organization_uuid: UUID of the organization that has access to the Appointment.
  • notes: Related AppointmentNotes.
  • workflowlevel2_uuids: UUID of the related WorkflowLevel2.
  • contact_uuid: UUID of a related Contact.
  • summary: A textual summary of the Appointment.


  • GET /appointment/: Retrieves a list of Appointments.
  • POST /appointment/: Creates a new Appointment.
  • GET /appointment/{uuid}/: Retrieves a Appointment by its UUID.
  • PUT /appointment/{uuid}/: Updates the Appointment with the given UUID (all fields).
  • PATCH /appointment/{uuid}/: Updates the Appointment with the given UUID (only specified fields).
  • DELETE /appointment/{uuid}/: Deletes the Appointment with the given UUID.


An AppointmentNote is a note that can be added to one or more appointments.

An AppointmentNote has the following properties:

  • note: Text contents of the note.
  • type: "Primary", "Secondary", "OOO Reason", "OOO Note".


  • GET /appointmentnotes/: Retrieves a list of AppointmentNotes.
  • POST /appointmentnotes/: Creates a new AppointmentNote.
  • GET /appointmentnotes/{id}/: Retrieves a AppointmentNote by its ID.
  • PUT /appointmentnotes/{id}/: Updates the AppointmentNote with the given ID (all fields).
  • PATCH /appointmentnotes/{id}/: Updates the AppointmentNote with the given ID (only specified fields).
  • DELETE /appointmentnotes/{id}/: Deletes the AppointmentNote with the given ID.


An AppointmentNotification is a representation of an email sent to an email address.

An email will be sent to the specified recipient upon saving the AppointmentNotification if the send_notification property is set, and if it is saved before the time specified in the sent_at property.

An AppointmentNotification has the following properties:

  • subject: The subject of the generated E-Mail.
  • message: The subject of the generated E-Mail.
  • recipient: The E-Mail address of the generated E-Mail.
  • sent_at: A timestamp when the E-Mail was sent.
  • send_notification: A boolean to activate the sending of the notification.
  • appointment: A related Appointment instance.
  • org_phone: The phone number of the organization.
  • org_name: The name of of the related organization.


  • GET /appointmentnotifications/: Retrieves a list of AppointmentNotifications.
  • POST /appointmentnotifications/: Creates a new AppointmentNotification.
  • GET /appointmentnotifications/{id}/: Retrieves a AppointmentNotification by its ID.
  • PUT /appointmentnotifications/{id}/: Updates the AppointmentNotification with the given ID (all fields).
  • PATCH /appointmentnotifications/{id}/: Updates the AppointmentNotification with the given ID (only specified fields).
  • DELETE /appointmentnotifications/{id}/: Deletes the AppointmentNotification with the given ID.

Click here for the full API documentation.

Local development


You must have Docker installed.

Build & run service locally

Build the Docker image:

docker-compose build

Run a web server with this service:

docker-compose up

Now, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8002.

For the admin panel, go to http://localhost:8002/admin (user: admin, password: admin).

The local API documentation can be consulted in http://localhost:8002/docs.

Run tests

To run the tests once:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint 'bash scripts/run-tests.sh' crmservice

To run the tests and leave bash open inside the container so that it's possible to re-run the tests faster again using bash scripts/run-tests.sh [--keepdb]:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint 'bash scripts/run-tests.sh --bash-on-finish' crmservice

To run bash:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint 'bash' crmservice

If you would like to clean the database and start the application, do:

docker-compose up --renew-anon-volumes --force-recreate --build

API documentation (Swagger)

Click here to go to the full API documentation.


Copyright ©2019 Humanitec GmbH.

This code is released under the Humanitec Affero GPL.