
Luca Santagata

M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence Systems @ UniTn

Hi there! 😃 Welcome to my GitHub profile!

👉 Basic informations:

I was born

  • on February 26th, 2000
  • in Capua (CE), Italy

Currently living in

  • Trento (TN), Italy

⚡ Briefly:

Studying Artificial Intelligence. Graduated in Physics @ UniNa in 2021.

Strong interest and skills in Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Evolutionary Computing.

🎓 What the B.Sc. in Physics taught me:

The bachelor's degree has formed my skills in advanced physics, mathematics and statistics. In addition, it has allowed me to acquire a mindset aimed at solving a wide range of complicated problems by exploiting different skills at the same time. I have also developed the ability to work in a team and to write reports or scientific articles.

My final dissertation, titled "Implementation and evaluation of Firefly Algorithm" (link to the GitHub repository), exploits the Firefly Algorithm,a population-based optimization algorithm and mimics a firefly’s attraction to flashing light, which has been proposed by Xin-She Yang (2008) at the University of Cambridge Cambridge. .

📧 Contacts: