GitHub page for a six week internship, in the Krauthammerlabe (USZ, UZH), regarding a project about chromatin accessbility in different cell types
Contains an example of a smaller dataset
- 20_Analyse_Seurat_Objects: Dimension reduciton & gen activity
- 21_Co_Accessible_Sites: CRE identification
- 22_Motif_Analysis: Motif identification
- 23_TF_Analysis: TF identification
Contains papers used for the report
R Directory:
Contains the complete workflow R scritps
- 10_Formatting_and_Merging: BED files to initial Seurat files for analysis
- 11_Complete_Analysis: Dimension reduction, Gen actitivty, CRE's, Motifs, TF
- 12_Azimuth_Adipose_Tissue: Example for Azimuth on adipose datasets
Contains diagrams and notebook for the results of the merged object contatainig the first 20 datasets