
BPAdventure is an RPG dungeon crawler involving ten levels in which the user must make it to the end without dying once.

This project was created with the collaboration of four Java programmers for the BPA Software Engineering event (2021-2022)

If you enjoy our work, consider checking out our prequel, BPArty.

Compilation/Building directions:

Specific IDE building instructions come from: https://libgdx.com/wiki/start/import-and-running
Clone BPAdventure from the Github repository page
Then import the files as a gradle project
Follow your specific IDE's building instructions from the libgdx wiki to set the desktop launcher as the main class
The project should be compiled and running!


 RPG Dungeon crawler
 Enemy system that includes
	-Steering behaviors, pathfinding, and aggro range
 NPC entities that have ability to talk and shop with
 Ten levels with varied enemies, NPCs, obstacles, puzzles, and goals
 Shop keeper sells tiers of gear for helmet, chest, legs, boots, shield, and weapon
 Inventory with drag/drop capabilities, and equipment section
     Java programming utilizing the LibGDX framework
     Collision and physics made using Box2D (wrapped by LibGDX)
     Entities managed with Ashley Entity Component System
     AI created using LibGDX's artificial intelligence framework
     Crash reporting available via JavaMail
     Database storing via SQLite
     Logging via log4j2