Hi guys !
This is an image based on ubuntu:18.04 containing a small toolkit.
- apt-utils
- curl
- firebase-tools
- nodejs ( default ubuntu version is nodejs-8 )
- openssl
- openjdk 8
- openjre 8
- sudo
docker build -t darksrc/firebase-emulator-tools:1.0.0 . --build-arg=USER=default --build-arg=PASSWORD=default
- -t is the name of your image
- --build-arg is the arguments used in this build
This image has a default user named default. By default the user password is default
To use the root user, you need to change the password, run the following command to do this.
sudo passwd root
after changing the password run the following command to log in as root user.
su root
docker run --name firebase-tools --network=host -it darksrc/firebase-emulator-tools bash
- --name is the name of your container
- --network=host it expose all container port in your localhost
- -it is the interactive mode
Run the following command in your container
firebase-tools login
All right. Now just use firebase-tools
Some advanced usage ideas.
- You can expose just a few ports in your container. See docker expose
- You can mount a folder inside your container. See docker volumes
Please give a star if this image helped you.
See this project on Docker Hub