
This was a project that was built during an LLM hackathon in Amsterdam, February 2023

Primary LanguageCSS

HERE AI web prototype

This is the Google Meet UI for the Amsterdam AI Hackathon 2023 project HERE AI. Out of 26 teams, our project won the public vote!

You can try the application right here.

The code is very messy. public/index.html contains the copied UI and most of the style changes. public/frontend.ts contains the JavaScript speech recognition + response generation + TTS, while pages/api/completion.ts contains the GPT-3 prompt.

In development, run npm install to install the dependencies. Then run npm run dev and npx parcel build && cp dist/* public every time you make a code change.

To deploy the site, create a free vercel.com account and select a fork of this repo. Everything should be configured already.