
This is a Web Project made in .Net6 using DDD (Domain Driven Design), Entity Framework, AutoMapper and Dependency Injection design approach that focuses on my personal learning of design patterns like Clean Arch, CQRS and any other technologies/philosophies/patterns like Decorators , SOLID, WebAPI etc.

Primary LanguageC#



This project was done following this educational video (-by Eduardo Pires) to understand the concepts presented.
I also made notes on this page with my considerations and insights.

Project Patterns and Architecture.

  • DDD
    • 0 - Presentation (UI.Site)
    • 1 - Service (Api’s)
    • 2 - Application (View Models, Services, Interfaces, AutoMapper)
    • 3 - Domain (Entities, Interfaces)
    • 4 - Infra
    • 4.1 - Data (Repositorys)
    • 4.2 - CrossCutting (IoC, DI)
  • DDD - E-Commerce
  • Decorator
  • Clean Architecture
  • Observer Pattern
  • [CQRS]
    • Command
    • Handler


    • SRP - Single Responsability Principle
    • OCP - Open/Closed Principle
    • LSP - Liskov Substituition Principle
    • ISP - Interface Segregation Principle
    • DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle


  • .NET - 6.0

    • Dependency Injection
    • IServiceCollection
    • IConfiguration
    • AutoMapper
    • Partial View
  • ASP NET CORE / EF Core

    • Migrations
    • Data Annotations
    • MVC
    • Repositories Pattern
    • Unit Of Work
    • Authentication
    • WebAPI