
Chris Crypto is a discord bot that provides crypto market updates and let's you monitor coins and your portfolio.

Primary LanguagePython


Chris Crypto is a discord bot that provides crypto market updates and let's you monitor coins and your portfolio. Market data is downloaded from CoinMarketCap via their API.

File Overview

  1. bot.py - Main discord bot handling
  2. functions.py - Provides functions used by the bot (e.g. downloading market data)
  3. config.py - Provides relevant keys and tokens
  4. motivational_quotes.py - Provides cryptocurrency related quotes

Chris Crypto's Functions

!help: returns all bot functions
!motivation cheers you up with a motivational crypto quote
!watch add coins to watchlist. Use command '!watch [coin1,coin2]'
!coinwatch returns coins on watchlist
!coinupdate returns market update on watchlisted coins
!quote returns latest market data for a list of coins. Use command '!quote [coin1,coin2]'
!marketupdate provides market update for the X biggest capitalised coins. Use command '!marketupdate [X]'
!hottest returns X hottest coins by 1h percentage change. Use command '!hottest [X]'
!latest returns X latest added coins. Use command '!latest [X]'
!calc returns calculation result. Use command '!calc [X*Y]'
!portfolio add user's portfolio data in order to calculate the performance. Use command '!portfolio coins=[coin1, coin2] amount=[amount1, amount2] entry=[entry1,entry2]'
!profit returns user's portfolio performance