This is a project created in order to learn more about the Vue.js framework, trying to develop a basic page using its tools
The project was developed using the following technologies:
- Node.js
- Javascript
- Vue.js
- Vuetify
These are the requirements to run the project on your machine.
- Node.JS >= 10.16.2
- Yarn >= 1.17.3
- NPM >= 6.9.0
To reproduce what the project has to offer, you must have:
First you need to clone the repository on your machine using the command below in your terminal git bash.
git clone
After that, go to the terminal where the folder where the project was cloned and download all the dependencies used with the simple command:
npm install
yarn install
-- Finally, just type the start command on your terminal, being in the path of the cloned project:
npm run serve
yarn run serve
And it's running on your machine probably on port 8080, then just access in your browser the link http://localhost:8080 to be able to access the process!! ๐๐
If you have questions about installing the vue project, check this LINK