
Linux CLI tool for DOCX analysis and manipulation

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Linux CLI tool for DOCX (OpenXML) analysis and manipulation.

Table of contents

Planned Features

  • v0.0.2: Generate and insert/replace more complex DOCX markup elements (fields, tables)
  • v0.1.0: Batch process sequences of manipulation operations
  • v0.1.0: Add optional configuration options via environment vars
  • v0.1.0: (Optional) logging of operations
  • v1.0.0: Libre-Office compatible appending of two DOCX files into a single one (by XML appending, instead of adding sub-documents)


List DOCX contents

Output list of files

Lists files (and directories) contained within a given DOCX, and their attributes:

docxbox ls foo.docx

To output as JSON:

docxbox ls foo.docx --json
or docxbox ls foo.docx -j
or docxbox lsj foo.docx

Output list of referenced fonts

docxbox ls foo.docx --fonts
or docxbox ls foo.docx -f
or docxbox lsf foo.docx

To output as JSON:

docxbox ls foo.docx --fonts --json
or docxbox ls foo.docx -fj
or docxbox lsf foo.docx --json
or docxbox lsf foo.docx -j
or docxbox lsfj foo.docx

List images information

Output list of contained images

docxbox ls foo.docx --images
or docxbox ls foo.docx -i
or docxbox lsi foo.docx

To output as JSON:

docxbox ls foo.docx --images --json
docxbox ls foo.docx -ij
or docxbox lsi foo.docx --json
or docxbox lsi foo.docx -j
or docxbox lsij foo.docx

List fields

docxbox ls foo.docx --fields
or docxbox ls foo.docx -d
or docxbox lsd foo.docx

To output as JSON:

docxbox ls foo.docx --fields --json
or docxbox ls foo.docx -dj
or docxbox lsd foo.docx --json
or docxbox lsdj foo.docx

List meta data

docxBox displays only attributes that are contained within the current DOCX file (this differs by DOCX version and application), also if given empty.

Output meta data of given DOCX:

docxbox ls foo.docx --meta
or docxbox ls foo.docx -m
or docxbox lsm foo.docx

To output as JSON:

docxbox ls foo.docx --meta --json
or docxbox ls foo.docx -mj
or docxbox lsm foo.docx --json
or docxbox lsm foo.docx -j
or docxbox lsmj foo.docx

Reference: Recognized meta attributes

  • Authors: Creator, lastModifiedBy (<dc:creator> and <cp:lastModifiedBy> of core.xml)
  • Dates: Creation-, modification and print-date
    (<dcterms:created> and <cp:modified> and <cp:lastPrinted> of core.xml)
  • Descriptions: Description, Keywords, Subject, Title
    (<dc:description>, <dc:keywords>, <dc:subject>, <dc:title> of core.xml)
  • Language (<dc:language> of core.xml)
  • Revision (<cp:revision> of core.xml)
  • XML schema (<Properties xmlns ... of app.xml)

Output plaintext

docxbox txt foo.docx outputs the text from document (ATM: w/o header and footer)

Output plaintext segments

docxbox txt foo.docx --segments
or docxbox txt foo.docx -s

Outputs the text from document, w/ markup sections separated by newlines. This can be helpful to identify "segmented" sentences: Sentences which visually appear as a unit, but are segmented into separate XML parent elements for formatting.

Modify document

Modify meta data

DocxBox allows to modify existing attributes, or adds attributes if not present.

  • Set creation-date: docxbox mm foo.docx created "2020-01-29T09:21:00Z"
  • Set creator attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx creator "docxBox v0.0.1"
  • Set description attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx description "Foo bar baz"
  • Set keywords attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx keywords "Foo bar baz"
  • Set language attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx language "en-US"
  • Set lastModifiedBy attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx lastModifiedBy "docxBox v0.0.1"
  • Set lastPrinted attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx lastPrinted "2020-01-10T10:31:00Z"
  • Set modification-date: docxbox mm foo.docx modified "2020-01-29T09:21:00Z"
  • Set revision attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx revision 2
  • Set subject attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx subject "Foo bar"
  • Set title attribute: docxbox mm foo.docx title "Foo bar, baz"

Replace images

docxbox rpi foo.docx image1.jpeg /home/replacement.jpeg
This overwrites the original DOCX with the modified document.

docxbox rpi foo.docx image1.jpeg /home/replacement.jpeg new.docx
This creates a new file: new.docx

Replace text

Replace all (case-sensitive) occurrences of given string in DOCX text:

docxbox rpt foo.docx old new updates foo.docx
docxbox rpt foo.docx old new new.docx creates a new file new.docx

Randomize document text

Replace all text of an existing document by similarly structured random "Lorem Ipsum" dummy text, helpful for generating DOCX documents for testing purposes:

docxbox lorem foo.docx updates foo.docx
docxbox lorem foo.docx new.docx creates a new file new.docx

Unzip DOCX: Extract all files, or only media files

Unzip all files: docxbox uz foo.docx

Unzip only media files:
docxbox uz foo.docx --media
or docxbox uz foo.docx -m
or docxbox uzm foo.docx

Zip files into DOCX

docxbox zip path/to/directory out.docx

Output docxBox help or version number

or docxbox h
Outputs docxBox's help text.

docxbox h <command> Outputs more help on a given command.

docxbox v Outputs the installed docxBox's version number.

Build Instructions

cmake CMakeLists.txt; make

Running tests

In order to run functional tests, Bats must be installed.

Run all tests: ./test.sh


See Changelog

Bug Reporting and Feature Requests

If you find a bug or have an enhancement request, please file an issue on the github repository.

Third Party References

Microsoft Office and Word are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

docxBox was built using the following third party libraries and tools:

Library Description License
nlohmann/json JSON for Modern C++ MIT License
tfussel/miniz-cpp Cross-platform header-only C++14 library for reading and writing ZIP files MIT License
leethomason/tinyxml2 A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser zlib License
Tool Description License
Bats Bash Automated Testing System MIT License
Clang A C language family frontend for LLVM Apache License
Cmake Family of tools designed to build, test and package software New BSD License
GCC GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection GNU General Public License version 3
Travis CI Hosted Continuous Integration Service MIT License

Thanks a lot!


docxBox is licensed under The MIT License (MIT)