
Labs, exercises and example code on the training Angular Advanced by Peter Kassenaar, info@kassenaar.com

Angular Advanced

Labs, exercises and example code on the training Angular Advanced by Peter Kassenaar


  • 1xx - Modules and Routing
  • 2xx - @ngrx/store
  • 3xx - Advanced components
  • 4xx - Testing
  • 5xx - Firebase
  • 6xx - Angular and 3rd party integration
  • 7xx - Miscellaneous concepts
  • 8xx - Change Detection
  • 9xx - Deprecated, used for older versions

Some links that might be useful

These were used during the training, I find them useful.

Change Detection

On testing

Design Patterns

Angular vs. Vue vs. React

Publishing your Angular application

  • Develop and test locally with ng serve
  • Create a production build with ng build --prod
  • Upload the contents of the \dist\ folder to - for instance - Netlify: https://www.netlify.com/ (but there are a * ton* of other free hosting options available, such as Azure, AWS, Github Pages, Heroku, Firebase, and more).




-- Questions, updates? Mail me at info@kassenaar.com