
Source code for paper "Anatomical fidelity of cross-population Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network based MRI upsampling"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

BrainsGAN 3D

This is the code for paper "Anatomical fidelity of cross-population Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network based MRI upsampling". It uses a three dimentional variation of SRGANs to do supersampling of MRI data.

This source code has originally been based on the 3D-GAN-superresolution repo, but most of the code has been rewritten/modified at one point or another.


In order to dowload the packages necessary, the environment file included can be used as

conda env create -f environment.yml

It is highly recommended that this is code is ran on GPUs. For the default parameters, at least 16GB of VRAM are necessary, however it is possible to use GPUs with less by increasing the number of patches/reducing the batch size. The code has been tested has been tested on Nvidia P100 and A100. In order to use it, an installation of CUDA 11 is necessary (including cuDNN 8). It is possible to create a local install using conda as

conda install cudatoolkit==11.0.221 cuDNN

This whole process will take a few minutes, depending your internet connection.


The single entrypoint of the code is the main.py file. In order to input parameters, an YAML file is required. The entries of this file are explained in the next section, and an example is available.

In order to train the network, use the following line

python main.py train <path/to/config>

Training can be extremely slow, and will depend on the size of the images. For the default parameters below, it would take about a week in a single P100 GPU.

Parameter file

  batch_size: 2
  feature_size: 32
  learning_rate_decay: 0.99
  learning_rate_disc: 1.0e-6
  learning_rate_gen: 1.0e-4
  learning_rate_steps: 4920
  max_checkpoints: 265
  num_epochs: 100
  residual_blocks: 6
  upsampling_factor: 2
  # Shape of the original (and upsampled) image
  depth: 168
  height: 196
  width: 160
  # Number of patches to break the image into
  # increasing this number should decrease
  # memory pressure
  num_x_patches: 2
  num_y_patches: 2
  num_z_patches: 2
  # How much each patch should overlap with one another
  x_overlap_length: 32
  y_overlap_length: 32
  z_overlap_length: 32
  # File with paths to data. See section below
  data_eval: 1000Brains_eval.txt
  data_train: 1000Brains_train.txt
  restore_checkpoint_evaluation: checkpoints/
  restore_checkpoint_training: null
  checkpoint_dir: checkpoints/
  eval_dir: eval_predictions/
  log_dir: runtime_logs/
  loss_dir: loss-info/
  log_level: debug
  max_checkpoints: 100
  save_every_n_epochs: 10

Path files

The entries in data_eval and data_train expect a file format asa

sub1_HR.nii.gz sub1_Mask.nii.gz sub1_LowRes.nii.gz
sub2_HR.nii.gz sub2_Mask.nii.gz sub2_LowRes.nii.gz
sub3_HR.nii.gz sub3_Mask.nii.gz sub3_LowRes.nii.gz
sub3_HR.nii.gz sub4_Mask.nii.gz sub3_LowRes.nii.gz

In principle, any format accepted by nibabel should work, but only NIFTY was tested.


  • Leona Förster - 2D Prototype
  • Lucas da Costa Campos