
A project for building an API server that returns some infos of Cryptocurrency requesting from an external API to participate the 42Labs program.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Project development for



This is a C project for building an API server that returns some infos of Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium and GODS requesting from Mercado Bitcoin, a Brazilian exchange with a public API. To see the documentation click here, to see other public APIs check this repository.

Table of content



Used for create a server in localhost:8000.


Used for parse the log file in cli.


Used for request a external API and this local API.

How to Execute

To run this project is recommendable to execute the Makefile to create the API server and the CLI binaries.

$> make all

Compile all objects and executables.

To run the server, execute the program below.

$> ./run_api

Executes the API server in the terminal.

How to test the CLI

Execute the command below to see some information and analytics data of the project.

$> ./my_cli

Options avaliable:
╠══ version:    Show Mongoose Version.
╠══ endpoints:  List all coins supported.
╚══ show:       Show the log's summary.


$> ./my_cli show

║Total Requests║  HTTP Method  ║      Path     ║
║      17      ║      GET      ║      /        ║
║      36      ║      GET      ║      /BTC     ║
║      03      ║      GET      ║      /GODS    ║
║      54      ║     ERROR     ║       404     ║

API Requests


[GET] /

Header: HomePage

{"CoinsAvailables":["BTC", "ETH", "BAT", "GODS"]}


Show the current Information of BTC.
Response: application/json


Show the current Information of ETH.
Response: application/json


Show the current Information of BAT.
Response: application/json


Show the current Information of GODS.
Response: application/json

[OK] 200 Response

	"ticker": {
		"high": "208000.00000000",
		"low": "196120.88525000",
		"vol": "58.44889346",
		"last": "205851.25000001",
		"buy": "205851.25000000",
		"sell": "205851.25000001",
		"open": "198591.00223001",
		"date": 1645839553

[KO] 404 Response

	"message":"Page not Found"

How to test API

By using:

  • cURL
$> curl localhost:8000 | jq

jq - Command-line JSON processor

  • In any browser.

  • Isomnia or other API Client.


This project is under the GNU General Public License v3.

What to do next

  • Implement automatized tests and CI/CD pipelines with Github Actions.
  • Configure a docker environment.
  • Create a Database to store the requests responses.
  • Add more functionalities for the CLI and treat the log.

Reference used for this project: link

thanks to:

to support me.

