JS Assessment

Demo Link

Quiz Application

The JavaScript code in index.js is unfinished. You will need to study it to figure out what it does. Then you will need to use the existing code and your own, to finish the app.

Complete the following tasks:

  1. Calculate the score as the total of the number of correct answers

done 2. Add an Event listener for the submit button, which will display the score and highlight the correct answers when the button is clicked


  1. Add 2 more questions to the app (each question must have 4 options)


  1. Reload the page when the reset button is clicked (hint: search window.location)


  1. Add a countdown timer - when the time is up, end the quiz, display the score and highlight the correct answers


The assessment must be completed by 2pm. When you have finished, upload your work to GitHub Pages and share the link with your pod instructor by DM on Slack.