
🤖 ✍️ development of a hackable drawing robot!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Haxidraw

This is the next "you ship, we ship"1 project. This time, if you make some digital art, we'll send you the parts to build a drawing robot which can make that art real!

Drawing machine creating turtle art

The CAD for this machine is available here.

We're also working with some researchers at MIT to make digital fabrication machines like this much more open and hackable. We're doing this by taking functionality which would ordinarily be inaccessible in the firmware and lifting it up to the user in a programmable browser editor. We call it Modular Things.

Getting Involved

We post regular updates in our CHANGELOG.

We have a TODO list which you can check out for various tasks that are being worked on (or need to be worked on).

One of the best ways to get involved is by building and testing one of the machines. All you need is a 3D printer and a little bit of hardware outlined in the bill of materials.

If you're a teen who wants to follow along with the project you can join the Hack Club Slack and head to the #haxidraw-development channel.


  1. Like Sprig—where you ship a project, and Hack Club ships you hardware/electronics.