
Original Project: https://github.com/sam-astro/Astro8-Computer

Primary LanguageC


Original Project: https://github.com/sam-astro/Astro8-Computer by AstroSam

How to use

  1. Open up your command prompt and type
Astro8.exe <filename>.asm

within the directory the .exe file resides in.

The VM will call "main" at the start of execution. Thus your entry point is always at label "main"


Armstrong is not supported

Assembler Instructions

N -> number
A -> register A
B -> register B
C -> register C

ZE -> zero flag
CA -> carry flag
CL -> flag is clear

IP -> instruction pointer

NOP ==> No Operation
AIN N ==> RAM( N ) -> A
AIN N, B ==> RAM( N + B ) -> A
AIN N, C ==> RAM( N + C ) -> A

AIN.L N ==> LOCAL( N ) -> A
AIN.L N, B ==> LOCAL( N + B ) -> A
AIN.L N, C ==> LOCAL( N + C ) -> A

BIN N ==> RAM( N ) -> B
BIN.L N ==> LOCAL( N ) -> B

CIN N ==> RAM( N ) -> C
CIN.L N ==> LOCAL( N ) -> C

LDIA N ==> N -> A
LDIB N ==> N -> B
LDIC N ==> N -> C

INA ==> A = A + 1
INB ==> B = B + 1
INC ==> C = C + 1

RDEXP ==> EXP -> A
WREXP ==> A -> EXP

STA N ==> A -> RAM( N )
STA N, B ==> A -> RAM( N + B )
STA N, C ==> A -> RAM( N + C )

STA.L N ==> A -> LOCAL( N )
STA.L N, B ==> A -> LOCAL( N + B )
STA.L N, C ==> A -> LOCAL( N + C )

STB N ==> B -> RAM( N )
STB.L N ==> B -> LOCAL( N )

STC N ==> C -> RAM( N )
STC.L N ==> C -> LOCAL( N )

PHA ==> A -> STACK
PLA ==> STACK -> A

ADD ==> A = A + B
SUB ==> A = A - B
MULT ==> A = A x B
DIV ==> A = A / B

JMP N ==> N -> IP
JMPZ N ==> IF ZE : N -> IP
JMPC N ==> IF CA : N -> IP
JCLR N ==> IF CL : N -> IP
JREG N ==> A -> IP

CALL N ==> IP -> STACK : N -> IP

SWP ==> A -> C : B -> A : C -> B
SWPC ==> A -> B : C -> A : B -> C

HLT ==> Stop Execution

Massive change to the CPU instructions and operand deem this version incompatible with the original Astro-8 Emulator. This is instead a custom version with my own instructions and some Astro-8 instructions.

Number systems supported

  1. Hex
  2. Decimal


0xFFFF | 0xffff



Comments can be used with ';'

;This is a comment


foo ;This is a label
test = 0x00 ; Assign address 0x00 to label "test"

Include files

.include "filename.asm"