
Recreated the Original Google page-rank algorithm and built a web scraper

Primary LanguagePython

Page Rank and web scraper in python

Recreated the Original Google page-rank algorithm and built a web scraper

Python modules used:

-scrapy -numpy -json

Steps to scrape data:

  1. open backlinkscraper/backlinkscraper/spiders/link_scraper.py

  2. change start_url and allowed_domains to the domain you want to crawl. Make sure you do not include "http://" in allowed domains

  3. from the backlinkscraper root folder run "scrapy crawl link_spider -o 'output'.json", changing the ouput name to whatever you want. Do not run this command on the same output name more than once. It will append the second oupute to the end of the first

  4. If you wish to simply test the conversion to a matrixgo into the JsonToMatrix.py and change string passed ot the cosntructor of JsonToMatrix to reflect your ouput file path. from the root project folder, run "python JsonToMatrix.py" and your matrix will be printed to the console.

  5. To use within another program call the JsonToMatrix construtor and pass it the relative path to your ouput.json file. Then call the getMatrix function to return and numpy matrix