
Generate a database report using AI prompt

Primary LanguageHTML

GPT SQL Query Generator

This is simple python application to generate SQL Database queries using GPT-3 from OpenAI.

How it works:

  1. Getting SQL schemas from MySQL and compile prompt from SQL Schema
  2. Wait for user input
  3. Generate SQL query from prompt + user input
  4. Show SQL query and ask user to confirm or edit if it is correct before executing it
  5. Execute SQL query and show results in a table


  • DATABASE_PORT: MySQL database port
  • DATABASE_USER: MySQL database user
  • DATABASE_PASS: MySQL database password
  • DATABASE_DB: MySQL database name
  • OPENAI_TOKEN: OpenAI API token (Not nessessary, you can set it in the UI)
  • APP_PORT: Port to run the application (default: 5000)
  • OPENAI_ENGINE: OpenAI engine to use (default: text-davinci-003, not nessessary). You can set some free to use model: text-chat-davinci-002-20221122
  • DEBUG_MODE: Activate the debug mode or note. It also enables Flask hot reloading

How to run

  1. Set environment variables in .env file in project root or in your system
  2. Run the application using make run and open http://localhost:5000 in your browser