Video Player App

An app to display videos with the same base functionallities from Youtube.

Execute this project

Before trying to run this, there are somethings I'd like to draw your attention to. This app was tested ONLY ON ANDROID and NOT ON IOS. So, if you try to run it on a iOS environment, maybe you'll get some errors from libraries you'd have to install. This was just a reminder before you try to run the app on iOS & it crashes xD.

Video Files configuration

In order for the app to work, you'll need to download the videos directlly on the project. This is due to some internet issues when trying to run the videos straight from the urls, as reported in this issue. Perhaps it's because the videos are too heavy or sth. Idk really.

There are 3 videos:

Ok, as you might've imagined, what you need to do is open each video url on your browser and download each one of them. After downloading the videos, paste them on the same path I wrote above respectively. So, inside src/videos you'll move the downloaded files with the corresponding link with the names first.mp4... and so on.

This is required because the code actually read those files with these names, so that's why you can't misspell them.


It's crucial you have Node installed on your machine. If you already got it, then follow these steps:

$ cd project_folder
$ yarn
$ react-native run-android

Important: You should have your emulator or device connect in order for the react-native run-android to work.

Once you've ran the commands above, you're likelly to get a screen page on your device.

Run Error

This is due to not having started bundle server. Just run react-native-start and you are good to go!

Obs: After running react-native-start and try openning the app, maybe you'll see just a blank screen and nothing else. Open the dev tools menu (ctrl + M or pressing "D" on the terminal) and press the "debug" option. This will open the remote debugger from react-native. The screen will still be blank with a message "connecting to debugger" on top. All you need to do is a cold start: close & kill the application from your device, and try to open it again. This happened to me and I had to follow these steps to make it work.

Run Error

If you've managed to follow the steps correctly, you should get the app up and running now!

Stack (techs used)

  • Styled components
  • React Hooks
  • Husky (automate commit messages)
  • Commitzen (CLI to help writing a good commit message)
  • React
  • React Context API
  • React Navigation (new api v.5)
  • Youtube seek functionallity (not a tech, but a cool feature anyway imo)


Run Error

Run Error