
Quadratic NURBS surface rendering in real-time. This is a graphics programming code sample.

Primary LanguageC++

GPU_NURBS code sample

Real-time quadratic Non-uniform rational B-splines on the GPU using OpenGL-4 and GLSL. The surface is visualized as a moving red wireframe, viewable with a fly-around controllable camera. This is a graphics programming code sample, and will not compile without linking with the larger graphics framework.

"NURBS" are a hugely popular surface description used in computer-aided design. The real-time rendering of these surfaces is an interesting problem. How feasible is it for, e.g., video-games, to use CAD formats directly, for high-quality non-polygonal surface rendering?

The main mathematical reference used in creating this demo is The NURBS book, Piegl and Tiller (1997).


Overview of program structure

GLSL shaders

  • quadratic_NURBS.{vert,tcs,tes,geom,frag}: Four shader stages (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment processing) are compiled and linked into one GPU program.
    • The vertex shader passes data along to the control shader.
    • The tessellation control shader sets constant tessellation parameters (determining how many u,v coordinates are generated).
    • The tessellation evaluation shader computes the corresponding point on the NURBS surface, then performs the view and projection transformations.
    • The geometry shader expands triangle primitives into three lines each, generating a wireframe.
    • The fragment shader outputs constant red. The result (alongside the CPU code) is a (non-antialiased) red wireframe quadratic NURBS surface with a variable number of patches and arbitrary knot vectors.

C++ source

  • CameraController.cpp: Mouse view and movement controls to attach to a camera entity.
  • nurbs_demo.cpp: This is the essential code sample of the quadratic NURBS demo. This file is a project file for my graphics framework (called "cg_sandbox"), which this code must be linked to.

A full description of the important steps in the program is given below.

  • main:
    • Initialize an OpenGL context and loop (using my small library "interactive_graphics_context", with a glfw3 backend)
    • Create the cg_sandbox "world" and attach it to the context.
    • Create the application.
  • Application initialization:
    • Create the camera man entity.
    • Initialize the control net.
    • Create a new entity.
    • Create the DrawableNURBS behaviour, give it the control net, and attach it to the entity.
  • DrawableNURBS initialization:
    • Initialize a default knot configuration.
    • Initialize GPU data with OpenGL-4 buffers.
    • Load, compile, and link the 5 shaders into one GPU program.
  • main continued:
    • Enter the overall logic and rendering loop.
    • Each frame, all entity components and behaviours are updated.
  • DrawableNURBS update:
    • Move the control grid and knots around for visual effect.
    • Reupload control grid and knot buffers to the GPU.
    • Render the NURBS surface (upload GPU constants and render into each camera using the compiled shader program).