
Docker Container with HSQLDB

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Image with HSQLDB for Software Development.

Release: furbor/hsqldb:latest

Installed Software:

  • Java 8
  • SQLTool

Make It Short

In short, use this image for starting and stopping a simple HSQLDB on your development environment.

$ docker run -d -p 9001:9001 --name hsqldb furbor/hsqldb

Will run hsqldb which will be accessible through jdbc URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/test, Username: sa, Password :

Connect to HSQLDB

The following commands copy the UI-Binaries out of the running container and starts the UI locally:

$ docker cp hsqldb:/opt/hsqldb/hsqldb.jar .
$ java -jar hsqldb.jar

Needs local installation of a Java-JRE!

Inside the UI select "HSQL Database Engine Server" and enter the JDBC URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/test

Note: When you use boot2docker then enter the ip of your VM instead of 'localhost'!

Use the SQLTool Client

SQLTool is a command line client for HSQL: Documentation

Connect SQLTool from container

Simply start a connected cli by typing:

$ docker exec -it hsqldb bash -c "java -jar /opt/hsqldb/sqltool.jar db"

If you want to mount your script directory, then start a new container:

$ docker run -it --rm \
  --link hsqldb:hsqldb \
	-v $(pwd)/dbscripts:/scripts \
	furbor/hsqldb sqltool

The folder /scripts is a Volume with the appropriate user permissions.

Connect SQLTool from your Host

Boot2Docker: First start the server with the host environment variable:

$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-p 9001:9001 \

The sqltool settings sqltool.rc will now include the correct host.

Execute SQLTool on your host:

# Copy the binaries to your host
$ docker cp hsqldb:/opt/hsqldb .
# Copy settings.rc to your home directory
$ cp ./hsqldb/sqltool.rc ~
# Start sql tool
$ java -jar ./hsqldb/sqltool.jar test

Set Username and Password

You can specify the Username and Password with the environment variables HSQLDB_USER and HSQLDB_PASSWORD.


$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-e "HSQLDB_USER=sa" \
  -e "HSQLDB_PASSWORD=password" \
	-p 9001:9001 \

Default container user is 'sa' and empty password!

Set the Database alias

You can adjust the Database Alias with the environment variable: HSQLDB_DATABASE_ALIAS

This will change the JDBC URL you will have to use!


$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-p 9001:9001 \

The correct JDBC URL is now: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/xdb

Set the Database Name

You can specify the Database Name with the environment variable HSQLDB_DATABASE_NAME


$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-p 9001:9001 \

Database hsqldb will be available in folder /opt/database

Mount the Database Files Externally

The database files are inside the volume /opt/database and can be mounted.


$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-v $(pwd)/database:/opt/database \
	-p 9001:9001 \

pwd is a Linux directive!

Additional HSQLDB Parameters

This container supports the following additional settings:

  • Disable HSQL Trace Modus (do not display JDBC trace messages): HSQLDB_TRACE="false"
  • Enable HSQL Silent Mode (true => do not display all queries): HSQLDB_SILENT="true"
  • Disable HSQL Remote Connections (can open databases remotely): HSQLDB_REMOTE="false"
  • Set HSQL Database Host (for sqltool.rc): HSQLDB_DATABASE_HOST=""


$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
  -e "HSQLDB_TRACE=false" \
  -e "HSQLDB_SILENT=true" \
  -e "HSQLDB_REMOTE=false" \
  -p 9001:9001 \

Java-VM Parameters

You can define start up parameters for the Java Virtual Machine, e.g. setting the memory size.

$ docker run -d --name hsqldb \
	-e "JAVA_VM_PARAMETERS=-Xmx512m -Xms256m" \
	-p 9001:9001 \

You will have to use Java 8 parameters: JRE 8 Linux.
