
Arduino library to interface with the Vex integrated encoders using I2C.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This library uses the Wire library for I2C to talk to the Vex Integrated encoders. It provides a fairly simple interface to get the speed and position of the encoder. You can get this in terms of the encoder, the motor output shaft or even the output of your transmission. It allows you to use either the 269 or the 393 integrated motor encoders.

How to Use


Download this code and copy the I2CEncoder to your Arduino libraries directory. This location depends on where you installed the Arduino software. For more instructions, check out the Arduino Website.


The following table shows where the VEX Encoder wires should hook up on either an Arduino Uno or an Arduino Mega for the GND, Voltage, Clock and Data lines.

Arduino UnoGNDVAnalog 5Analog 4
Arduino MegaGNDVDigital 21Digital 20


In order to use this library, you must include both the Wire Library[4] and this library (I2CEncoder).

#include <Wire.h>
#include <I2CEncoder.h>


The order in which you initialize the encoders is very important! First, the wire library must be started by calling Wire.begin(), then you must call the init() of each encoder method in the order that they are chained together. The one plugged into the Arduino first, then the one plugged into that and so on until the last encoder.

The first argument of the init() method is should convert encoder revolutions to output rotations. Three of these are defined by default:

The 269 motor and it’s matching encoder.
The 393 motor and it’s matching encoder when geared for speed.
The 393 motor and it’s matching encoder when geared for torque.

These can be augmented to take into account your gear ratio by multiplying by a conversion factor. This will affect both what value you the speed gives you and your position. For example, if your wheel spun once every 3 time your 269s out It also supports dealing with automatically dealing with conversion put shaft did, you could use (1.0/3.0)*MOTOR_269_ROTATIONS and your speed would be measured in rpm of the wheel, while position would in rotations of the wheel. Alternatively, if you want your measurements in terms of feet moved and the circumference of you wheel is 1/2 foot, you can use (1.0/2.0)*(1.0/3.0)*MOTOR_269_ROTATIONS and now your position is measured in feet and your speed is in feet-per-minute.

The second argument is a conversion factor for the time-delta of the encoder. These are separate for the 269 encoders and 393 encoders. Simply select MOTOR_269_TIME_DELTA or MOTOR_393_TIME_DELTA depending on your motor choice.

I2CEncoder encoder;
encoder1.init(MOTOR_269_ROTATIONS, MOTOR_269_TIME_DELTA);

Getting Speed

Returns the revolutions of the encoder shaft multiplied by the conversion factor. If your using one of the default conversion factors, it will be the RPM of the output shaft of the motor. Unfortunately, due to the implementation of the encoders it takes 4 seconds to get 0 when stopped. The speed gradually gets closer and closer to 0 over the course of those 4 seconds, but you should not rely on this to detect instantaneous stopping.


Getting Position

Returns the position of the encoder in ticks multiplied by the conversion factor. If your using one of the default conversion factors, it will be the number of rotations of the output shaft of the motor. It currently only uses 4 of the 6 bytes of accuracy, which should be more than sufficient for short lived applications.


Zeroing Position

Sets the position to 0 on this encoder.


Other Useful Functions

void setReversed(bool is_reversed)
Sets whether or not to reverse the position of this encoder.
unsigned int getVelocityBits()
Get the raw velocity bits from the encoder. These represent the time-delta in between revolutions of the encoder.
long getRawPosition()
This returns the position of the encoder in terms of ticks.
void unTerminate()
Tells the encoder to pass I2C messages along to any device down the line from it.
void terminate()
Tells the encoder to stop passing I2C messages along to any device down the line from it.
unsigned char getAddress()
Returns the 7-bit I2C address of this encoder for sending your own messages.

How the VEX Encoders Work

This section describes how VEX Encoder I2C protocol works with respect to Arduino. It does not describe how I2C works. If you want to know how I2C itself works, there are plenty of other good guides. It also does not go into detail on the register addresses and other information that can be found in spec[1]. Instead, it highlights the interesting mis-matches between the VEX Encoder I2C and I2C as implemented by the Arduino Wire library[4]. It also goes into further detail on termination and initialization.


Standard I2C addresses are 7-bit addresses that get bit-shifted to the left by one. The eighth bit is then used to indicate whether or not to read or write. On the other hand, The VEX encoders use even 8-bit addressees. These addresses are identical to the 7-bit addresses after shifting to the left by one. Throughout this library, the addresses used are standard 7-bit and they are left-shifted when needed for compatibility with the encoders.


You can use the registers defined in the spec[1] to read position and speed of the encoder. Other registers are used to write configuration data such as changing the address, changing the termination state or re-zeroing the encoder.

Reading Registers

Using the Wire library to read N bytes from a register reg on a device with address addr is as simple as:

Wire.requestFrom(address, N);
while (Wire.available()) {
  Wire.read(); // Do something with each byte.

Writing Registers

Using the Wire library to write byte b to a register reg on a device with address addr is as simple as:



By default, the encoder is terminated. That means that it won’t pass messages along to any I2C devices plugged into it. This is important during initialization where multiple encoders would have the same address. However, in order to talk to the other I2C device(s) plugged into this one, you must write to the disable terminator register in order to pass messages along.


When the encoder receives power it starts up. It does not retain it’s previous address, position or most other data from before it was powered down. When it comes back on, it is set to a default address. To initialize the device, it must be assigned a new address. Once it has been assigned an address it is said to be initialized. From this point, you can read it’s speed, position and change other configuration options. The most important configuration to make sure you change when necessary is to disable the termination of the encoder if there are any other I2C devices after the encoder. Otherwise, you can’t communicate with them. If the next device is an encoder, you just repeat this process to initialize it too. As a result of this initialization process, the order you plug encoders into each other is very important.
