
Alternative to Windows .Net timezone

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Afk.ZoneInfo is an alternative to the framework class System.TimeZoneInfo.

The Afk.ZoneInfo use the Iana timezone database (previously named Olson Database). By default the library is linked with a database files. You can override it with recent files, for this set the environment variable TZDIR with the new directory of database files.


The library is compatible with netstandard2.0


The easiest way to install is by using NuGet.


Local time zone can be retrieve by the static TzTimeZone.CurrentTzTimeZone member. The following code uses the CurrentTzTimeZone to return the local times that correspond to UTC.

TzTimeZone local = TzTimeZone.CurrentTzTimeZone;

Specific time zone can be retrieve by the static TzTimeInfo.GetZone function and translation are provide by ToLocalTime and ToUniversalTime functions.

DateTime dateLocal = new DateTime(2011, 1, 5, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
TzTimeZone paris = TzTimeInfo.GetZone("Europe/Paris");
TzTimeZone ny = TzTimeInfo.GetZone("America/New_York");
DateTime dateUtc = paris.ToUniversalTime(dateLocal);
Console.WriteLine("Local time at paris : " + dateLocal + " UTC : " + dateUtc);
Console.WriteLine("Local time at new york : " + ny.ToLocalTime(dateUtc));
Console.WriteLine("Paris : " + dateLocal + " New york " + paris.ToTimeZone(dateLocal, ny));

The previous code generates the following output :

Local time at paris : 05/01/2011 10:00:00 UTC : 05/01/2011 09:00:00
Local time at new york : 05/01/2011 04:00:00
Paris : 05/01/2011 10:00:00 New york : 05/01/2011 04:00:00

Retrieve TimeZone

TzTimeZone can be retrieve directly by members of class Afk.ZoneInfo.Zones.

TzTimeZone timeZone = Afk.ZoneInfo.Zones.America.New_York;

However you can use the static functions of class Afk.ZoneInfo.TzTimeInfo to enumerate all available zones.

Function Description
GetCountries Gets all countries
GetCountriesCode Gets all countries code
GetZone Gets the TzTimeZone related to the zone name specified
GetZones Gets all TzTimeZone
GetZoneNames Gets all timezone name
FindSystemTzTimeZoneById Gets the TzTimeZone related to the windows id specified

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