This is my blog \o/ Enjoy It and I hope you can learn a lot!
Here are the technologies used in this project.
- Ruby version 3.0.0
- Rails version
- PostgreSQL
- Webpacker
- Github
- Heroku
- Devise
- Bootstrap
- Kaminari
- Select2
- Cancancan
- Ruby
- Rails
To create and build your database accord of the project.
- rake db:create db:migrate
To create the previous files to use on the project, on the database.
- rake db:seed
To install the gems.
- bundle install
To run the project.
- rails s
The main features of the application are:
- Publish Posts.
- Learn a lot of information <3
- Deploy on Heroku:
- Repository:
- In case of sensitive bugs like security vulnerabilities, please contact directly instead of using issue tracker. We value your effort to improve the security and privacy of this project!
- Lucas Siqueira Fernandes
Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!