InstaClone is an application made with Ionic 3. How the name already says, It's a humble Instagram's Clone made in OneBitCode Super Full Stack course.
Hope you like this app :D
Here are the technologies used in this project.
- Ionic 3
- Github
- To build the project:
$ ionic build
- To run the project:
$ ionic serve -c
- Create and delete Posts.
- Search Users.
- See user's profile with all details.
- like photos.
- Follow or unfollow users.
- Repository:
- In case of sensitive bugs like security vulnerabilities, please contact directly instead of using issue tracker. We value your effort to improve the security and privacy of this project!
- Lucas Siqueira Fernandes: @Lucasdfg07 (
Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!