Pechinchaki Bot is a chatbot developed to the Mega Hack 2.0 (, to the VTEX challenge. It's a chatbot to advice about news offerts with the clients to negociate a better price and offer to the user a better experience.
Here are the technologies used in this project.
- Ruby version 2.5.1
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- PostgreSQL
- Github
- Telegram
- DialogFlow
- Sinatra
- Activerecord
- Pg
- Rake
- Pg_search
- Docker
- Docker Compose
To build the containers:
$ sudo docker-compose build
- To create the bank and do as migrations:
$ sudo docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec rake db:seed
- To install as gens:
$ sudo docker-compose run --rm app bundle install
- To run the project:
$ sudo docker-compose up
Searching by Pechinchaki on telegram, you can find the bot and start asking his commands with "help". Or you can also list his offerts sending "Ofertas".
Chatbot on Telegram:
- In case of sensitive bugs like security vulnerabilities, please contact directly instead of using issue tracker. We value your effort to improve the security and privacy of this project!
- Lucas Siqueira Fernandes
Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!