Logo of the project

Windows Live Messenger

This application is an app clone of Windows Live Messenger inside Windows XP, using React.JS in the frontend and Ruby on Rails in the backend. Enjoy It <3


Here are the technologies used in this project.

  • React.JS
  • Axios
  • Ruby version 3.0.2
  • Rails version 6.1.4
  • PostgreSQL
  • Webpacker

Services Used

  • Github
  • Heroku

Ruby Gems and Packages

  • Devise
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • Rack Cors
  • React Rails

Getting started

  • Dependency

    • Ruby
    • Rails
  • To create and build your database accord of the project.

    • rake db:create db:migrate
  • To create the previous files to use on the project, on the database.

    • rake db:seed
  • To install the gems.

    • bundle install
  • To run the project.

    • rails s

How to use

1 - When you access the project, you will see this initial page, that's the Windows XP.

Homepage image

2 - You can Login in the system if you have an account registered or simply create your account..


3 - You can also see users online, offline and change your title, description or status.

Users List

4 - You can chat with other users (with MSN notifications and shake other user's screen)


5 - You can also send Emojis.


6 - Or modify your chat Background...

Change Background

7 - Or send animated Winks <3

Animated Gifs

8 - You can also minimize the screen.

Minimize tab

8 - Or also maximize!!

Maximize tab


The main features of the application are:

  • Talk to other people.
  • Send emojis.
  • Send Winks.
  • Change Chat Background.
  • Shake other people's screen.
  • Change your profile info.




  • Lucas Siqueira Fernandes

Please follow github and join us! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!