
Phone-Based login accounts with Parse + Twilio

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


An example iOS (Swift) app for phone-based user accounts with Twilio + Parse


Getting Started

  • Create a new Parse App, and set up a Cloud Code folder for the project.
  • Copy the contents of the cloud/ folder from this repository into the cloud/ folder in your Cloud Code folder.
  • Edit main.js to include your Twilio Account Sid, Auth Token, and phone number. Generate some random string to use as the password token.
  • Open the AnyPhone Xcode project, and put your Parse Application Id and Client Key in AppDelegate.swift.
  • Deploy your Cloud Code by running parse deploy from the root of your Cloud Code folder.
Setting Up AnyPhone Web
  • Enable Hosting on your Parse App by going to the Settings > Hosting page. Add a subdomain name (ex. "anyphonetest123") that will allow you to access AnyPhone for Web.
  • Delete 'index.html' from the generated Cloud Code folder to allow rendering of our 'index.ejs' instead
  • Edit 'dashboard.ejs' to include your Parse App Id and Parse Javascript Key
  • Visit the hosted pages using the subdomain you created. http://*.parseapp.com


  • Lock down the User class in the Data Browser. Remove all permissions except Update from the Public role. This is a good idea even though we're already setting a restrictive ACL on each User we create through this process. You can remove the "Add Field" permission only after using the app, or after manually creating the additional columns.
  • Get involved and contribute to the project:
    • Enhance the input validation to support more countries and number formats
    • Improvements to the flow and user experience
    • Add brute-force protection, resetting the code after a few failed attempts