
How To Install All Dependencies

  • It is necessary to install all dependencies for the project to run successfully and without any errors.


  • pip install django-phonenumber-field
  • pip install phonenumbers
  • pip install djangorestframework
  • pip install Pillow
  • pip install django-cors-headers
  • pip install django-rest-knox
  • pip install cloudinary
  • pip install django-rest-auth
  • pip install geoip2
  • pip install wheel
  • pip install pandas
  • pip install --upgrade django-cors-headers
  • pip install python-memcached


  • 'api/user'
  • 'api/usuario'
  • 'api/classficacao_usuario'
  • 'api/restaurante'
  • 'api/classficacao_restaurante'
  • 'api/comida'
  • 'api/ingredientes'
  • 'api/cardapio'
  • 'api/pedido'
  • 'api/pedido_restaurante'
  • 'api/comentario'
  • 'api/foto_restaurante'
  • 'api/foto_comida'
  • 'api/auth/register'
  • 'api/auth/login'
  • 'api/auth/user'
  • 'logout/'
  • 'api-token-auth/'
  • 'verify-token/'