
Service API to generate and encrypt passwords.

This service is made to be public, and to encrypt passwords without having the key.



podman build -t luccryptous .


podman run -d -m 500m -p 3000:3000 --name luccryptous luccryptous

Install as a service

podman generate systemd luccryptous > /etc/systemd/system/luccryptous.service
systemctl enable --now luccryptous

Develop with

podman build -t luccryptous:dev ./
podman run -it --rm -m 1024m -p 5000:5000,35729:35729 -v ~/Projects/luccryptous/views/:/app/:Z --name luccryptous_dev luccryptous:dev


The configuration is in Toml file or environment variables

Create a file luccryptous.toml or use the example, then edit the values.

Section Key Default Description
General Key Encryption key, required
General Debug false Set to true to switch gin gonic in debug mode
Password Generation size 42 Size
Password Generation charset ... Char selection
Password Generation check_uppercase true Force password to have uppercase char
Password Generation check_lowercase true Force password to have lowercase char
Password Generation check_numerics true Force password to have numerics
Password Generation check_symbols true Force password to have symbols

For parameters check_uppercase, check_lowercase, check_numerics and check_symbols if related characters sets are not in the charset, those parameters are automatically disabled.

External dependencies

  • spf13/viper
  • gin-gonic
  • google/uuid