
Push_swap, because swap_push isn't as natural

Primary LanguageC

Push Swap

The program generate the shortest set of push_swap instructions to sort a stack of numbers.

Table of contents


push_swap uses two stacks: a and b. In the a stack will init with the values passed as arguments, the b stack will auxiliate in the sort process.

What are push_swap instructions

The push_swap instructions are:

  • sa : swap the top 2 items on stack a.
  • sb : swap the top 2 items on stack b.
  • ss : execute sa and sb at the same time.
  • pa : push the top item on stack b to the top of stack a.
  • pb : push the top item on stack a to the top of stack b.
  • ra : shift up all the items on stack a, the first item goes to the bottom of the stack.
  • rb : shift up all the items on stack b, the first item goes to the bottom of the stacK.
  • rr : execute ra and rb at the same time.
  • rra : shift down all the items on stack a, the last item goes to the top of the stack.
  • rrb : shift down all the items on stack b, the last item goes to the top of the stack.
  • rrr : execute rra and rrb at the same time.

Usage of push_swap


Call make to compile the program. Requires clang-13.
The Makefile also provide the rules "clean", "fclean" and "re". "clean" will erase the *.o files, "fclean" will completly erase the program (but preserve the source code), "re" will execute "fclean" then "all" the recompile the program.

Using push_swap to sort a stack

After compiling call "./push_swap ...", it will test the complexity of the problem and then will generate a query of push_swap instructions (described above), or send a error message.
An error message will appear if: The problem is too complex and can't be solved; you had passed a invalid argument (a alphabetic character).