Euclidean Algorithm was made in tandem with my Chaos and Fractals course, MATH320, where we were to solve greatest common demoninator (GCD) using the Euclidean Algorithm

This system has 3 states:

            |   Euc(m,n)        if n < m
Euc(n,m) if |   (n,0)           if m == 0
            |   (m,n % m)       if n[0] = 'b'

So as an example we will assume the formula Euc(520221547, 498672943)

[520221547, 498672943, 21548604, 3055051, 163247, 116605, 46642, 23321, 0]

520221547 % 498672943 = 21548604
498672943 % 21548604 = 3055051
21548604 % 3055051 = 163247
3055051 % 163247 = 116605
163247 % 116605 = 46642
116605 % 46642 = 23321
46642 % 23321 = 0

meaning 23321 is the GCD / Greatest Common Denominator


python3 (arg1) (arg2) or python3