
🦴 Skeleton: my first layout using skeleton at loading time (test project) 🦴

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🦴 Skeleton 🦴

Skeleton: my first layout using skeleton at loading time (test project)

🛠 Technologies used

🚀 How to start

🐑 clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/LuciLua/Skeletons.git

📂 open project folder

cd ./Skeletons

⚡ install all packages using npm or yarn manager (using YARN)


🌟 start the development server (using YARN)

yarn dev

🏗 to make a build (using YARN)

yarn build

✨ to start the server in production-ready mode (using YARN)

yarn start

👥 Making code concise if you make changes

🔎 check if there is anything to change

yarn lint

✏ still using prettier, have it format the code automatically

yarn write

🖼 Preview

So far, this is the preview